Facebook Introduces Reactions to Replace Like

In its quest to meeting the needs of its users, Facebook has introduced another feature to Facebook users’ activities. This new feature is ‘reaction’. Unlike the normal ‘like’ Facebook users can now react to posts according to the way they feel about the post. For instance, if a friend posts about his car been stolen, instead of liking the post, you can now select your reaction from the different reactions introduced by Facebook. Can you remember that time your friend wrote an emotional Facebook post about his recently deceased grandmother … and you “Liked” it? Yeah, that was kind of weird, to say the least. 
Photo Credit: Yahoo Tech
Yahoo Tech reveals that Facebook has finally introduced a more elegant solution for you to appropriately acknowledge your friends’ posts without actually having to write something.
Reactions are basically animated emojis that you can access by long-pressing the Like button in the Facebook app. You can also use the feature from your desktop by hovering over the Like button with your mouse pointer.
Description: https://s.yimg.com/g/images/spaceball.gifSo far, Facebook is offering six Reactions: Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad, and Angry. That means you can now express your sympathy with a grieving friend with a weeping emoji instead of a thumbs-up.
All joking aside, it’s a much-needed and welcome addition to the Facebook interface. Not surprisingly, according to the social media giant, reactions to Reactions in test groups has been positive.
Photo Credit: Yahoo Tech
And while there will likely be grumbling from some users — complaining, perhaps, about the cluttered interface — in time most of us will no doubt wonder how we ever got by without the ability to add an Angry emoji to a post about Taco Bell’s decision to kill off the Doritos Locos Taco.

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