Scholarships and Grants at the Sidney Perry Foundation

The Foundation owes its inspiration and the greatest part of its present resources to the vision and generosity of a remarkable man, Sidney James Perry (1888-1967). It was his desire to support the provision of education in the widest sense for those who would not otherwise be able to afford it.

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The principal object of the trust was "to assist persons to obtain education in its widest sense other than primary" and professional training was eligible and there was also a special reference to careers in natural or applied science. The investigation of the merits of candidates for assistance is performed by a small committee of Governors and the first grant was made in 1946.

As times change the Foundation has been able to direct its resources towards what seems the most deserving needs of the day. Grants are given to overseas students, or those who are reading medicine after taking another first degree and therefore do not qualify for any support. 

Grants are considered to be supplemental and to go part of the way to bridge a gap with the applicant finding the bulk of funding elsewhere.

The Foundation obtains great pleasure from learning of the subsequent career success of those whom it was able to help at an early stage.  It also hopes that some beneficiaries may feel inclined, when established in a career,  to make a donation to the Foundation so as to increase the funds available to assist others.
For further details and application form, click here.

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