Create Your Blog in a Few Simple Steps

Just like every other social medium platform, blog is an online medium through which you can share your thoughts, ideas, pictures, music, videos, etc. with others.
Aside sharing those things with others online, blog also offers you the possibility of making money from the internet. In one of my subsequent posts, I will reveal to you how to use your blog to make earnings online. It is possible and takes only few simple processes. In this post being the very first post on this blog; I want to show you how you can create your own blog in a few simple steps. Note that, you don’t have to be a guru before you can start a blog. Blogging is a gradual and continuous process, and as you maintain the practice on regular basis, you will come to master the processes. Keep your fingers across as I take you through the process of creating your new blog from scratch; following the easy steps below.
Things You Need:
1. Interest.
2. Internet access.
3. Computer, tablet or any supported mobile phone.
4. Gmail Account.
Once you have met the aforementioned criteria, you can create your blog, following the few simple steps below:
Step 1: On your desktop screen, click on your browser as you can see on the screenshot below.
Step 2: Just as you can see on the screenshot below,
place your cursor on the address bar above and type Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and hit enter on your computer keyboard.
Step 3: When the Blogger website opens, go to ‘sign in’ to put your Gmail ID, just as you can see in the screenshot below.
Step 4 and 5: As you can see in the screenshots below,

after putting your Gmail ID, click on the ‘next’ button and it will take you to the box where you will put your Gmail password.
Step 6: After putting your Gmail password, click on the ‘Sign in’ button as you can see below.

Step 7: After you have signed in to the Blogger dashboard, on your left, click on the button that says ‘New Blog’ so you can create your blog. See the screenshot below for guide.

Step 8: When the ‘New Blog’ page opens, fill in the required information appropriately just as you can see in the screenshot below.

 The blank bar that says ‘Title’ is for your blog name, just as you can see the ‘Honey Shop’ on the screenshot above. The second address bar is for your blog Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), though a free sub-domain name; but you can upgrade it to a custom domain name in later time if you so want. Note that the free sub-domain; Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is subject to availability check. If it is not available, that means, someone is already using it, but if it is available, congratulations, you have it! After the availability check, one more thing to do is to choose your template from the bulk of ready-made templates on Blogger. Once you have selected your template, click on the orange coloured button that says ‘Create blog!’ After you have clicked on the ‘Create blog!’ button, you will be taken to your dashboard as you can see in the second screenshot below.

That’s all! Congratulations, you have created your Blog. You can now make your posts, and I will be glad to read them. In one of my next posts, I will be taking you through the processes of designing your blog in a few simple steps.
Thank you for reading.
Photo Credit: Insofter
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