You can Now Customize Your Emails on Your iPad

Apple tablets have been getting better with the plethora of applications it makes available for its users across the globe. Readdle launched Spark last year with the goal of making it easier to deal with your inbox, and today it’s continuing that mission with the launch of a new version that works on the iPad.
Photo Credit: Yahoo Tech
Spark is by and large the same app on the iPad as it is on the iPhone: it breaks your inbox up into basic but useful chunks — new emails, newsletters and notifications, pinned items, and everything else — and then gives you a bunch of tools to deal with them as you’d like. There’s a snooze feature, there are integrations with popular services like Dropbox and Evernote, and there are ways to customize the interface and your interactions with it as you’d like. In a brief test on my first generation iPad mini — which, for comparison, can no longer open Mailbox without crashing — Spark moved fast and was able to load emails quickly. Its portrait view only shows a list of emails, which can be pretty intimidating if your inbox is stuffed, but the app’s landscape view offers more information, letting you view an email on one side of the screen and a condensed inbox view on the other. As with Spark on the iPhone, the iPad version is free to use and certainly worth trying out if you aren’t satisfied with the email app you’re already using.
Credit: Yahoo Tech 
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