Steps for Doing Backup or Restoring Your Blogger Blog Template

Blogger templates are XML templates and they are in variety of tones. While you may get so many of them on the internet for free, there are some that you have to pay a token before you may have them. If you are skilled in blog design and coding, you will be able to manipulate these templates to suit your interest.
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It is always advisable that you do a backup of your templates before you make any change on your blog; irrespective of how skillful you are in coding and manipulations. Doing a backup allows you to restore the earlier template thereby bringing back the look of your blog to its former state in case anything goes wrong in the process of making changes.

The backup process is a very simple on and can be done with two minutes

In this step by step tutorial, I will show the entire processes from backing up your template to restoring same.
How You Can Backup  Your Blogger Blog Template
Backing up your blogger blog template helps you save a copy of your template so you may restore it back to its earlier state in case you mistakenly destabilize it in the process of editing your blogger blog interface.
On a serious note, you are advised to always backup your template whenever you want to make any change - add or remove anything on your template current
In this tutorial I will show you a step by step procedure on how you can successfully backup your blog template each time you want to make any change on your blog.
Please follow the instructions bellow very carefully:
Step one: Login to your blogger blog account, and locate the Template area of your blog in your blogger blog dashboard.
See the screenshot below.
Step two: Click on the "Backup/Restore" button at the right top of the page in your dashboard as you can see in the screenshot below.
Step three: Once you have clicked on the “Backup / Restore” button, you will see a popup with an option to download the current template. Just click on that button to get it downloaded and save on your computer for use in case anything goes wrong while making changes.
How You Can Restore the Blogger Template from a Previous Backup
Just like I said earlier, the reason why you should backup your blogger blog template is to use it again in case something may not work as you want after you have made changes on your blog. If after making changes and you are not satisfied with the look of your blog, or something such as a widget is not functioning proper because you have tempered with a particular HTML code, what you do is to re-install a copy of the template you have saved on your computer as a backup, so you can restore (bring back) your blog to its earlier state.
The steps below will guide you on getting that done
Step one:  just like the same processes I explained above, login to your blogger account and locate the Template section in your blogger blog dashboard, just as shown in the screenshot below.
Step two: Click on the "Backup/Restore" button on the right top of the page as you can see in the screenshot below.
 Step three: You will see a popup with an option to upload a template from your hard drive. See screenshot below.
Now select the backup XML file saved on your computer, which you downloaded earlier. Once you have selected it you will see the name you saved it with beside the “Choose a File” button. Click on the “Upload” button below the “Choose a File” button and your template will be uploaded and activated. See screenshot below.

Once the upload is complete, your old template should be back in action.

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