Tag Someone Not Your Friend on Facebook with Mobile Phone

It has come to my notice that so many Facebook users find it very difficult to tag someone (mention someone's name) not their friend in their posts or comments on Facebook using their mobile phones. On Facebook, when you tag someone (mention someone's name) in your comment or post, the person will be notified instantly by Facebook that you have mentioned his name in a comment or post. In most cases this happens when you want to draw the person's attention to a particular fact. For instance, if someone makes a negative comment on your post or on another person's post and you want to respond to that, it is expected that you tag the person (mention the person's name) so that he will know that you have responded to his comment, especially when the person is not the maker of the post but had just made comment. You can also use Facebook tagging to thank someone for a particular comment or gesture shown by the person.
In this post, I will show you how you can tag someone (mention someone's name) in your post or comment using your mobile phone, even if the person is not your friend on Facebook.
Follow the steps below to mention the name (tag) someone that is not your friend on Facebook using your mobile phone.
==> Click on the person's profile picture and open it as if you want to make comment on his profile picture. Pay a close attention on the attached pictures here for guide.
==> Click on the address bar and you will see the person's Facebook URL just like the one below; a very lengthy texts.
==> Carefully look at the texts and you will see a fifteen (15) digit number which is the person's Facebook Identity (I'd) number. You will find the I'd number in two places; the first one is after 'id=' while the second one is before '&refid=17' which are the last texts.
See below, both the first and the second as contained in my profile:
First: id=100000591581194
Second: 100000591581194&refid=17
==> Just at exactly where you want the name of the person to appear in your comment or post, type the 'at' symbol '@' followed by an open bracket '[' followed by the Facebook fifteen (15) digits I'd '100000591581194' followed by a colon ':' followed by zero '0' and close bracket ']'
Example: @[100000591581194:0]
Please take note of the exact open and close bracket as they are here.
Once you are done, post your comment or post and you will see the person's name appearing in your comment or post, even if the person is not your friend on Facebook.
Let me know if it has worked for you by dropping your comment below.

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