Easiest Way to Make Fifty Thousand Naira from Bulk SMS as a Biginner

In response to plethora of questions I have received since I published an article on Naira Land; on how to make money via bulk SMS as a beginner, I have decided to make the article better in an elaborated way. Bulk SMS is a lucrative business in this era of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), especially in Nigeria.
Making success in the bulk SMS business is real and so many people; especially Nigerian youths have been fetching from the pool of wealth the business of bulk SMS possesses.
From the bulk of my experience, I am talking of how you can make at least Fifty Thousand Naira as profit from bulk SMS service within one month; as a beginner. I want to say it categorically that as a beginner, you can make at least; Fifty Thousand Naira in a month as your profit if you are a serious business minded fellow. It doesn’t matter whether you have a bulk SMS portal or not. A bulk SMS portal is not a pre-condition for making money via bulk SMS, what you need is just to sign up for an account as a re-seller on a dealer’s account and you are good to go; but if you can afford the cost of a portal as a beginner; why not? The ball is in your court.
In order to start a bulk SMS business and make a good success; there are few things you need to meet as you can see below.
Things you need:
  1.    Bulk SMS Account: You need a bulk SMS account in order to embark on the bulk SMS business. There are many bulk SMS dealers in Nigeria but I want to recommend Smart SMSSolutions to you. I have been working with them for years now, and I assure you, their service is the best I have seen so far. Their customer relation is unique, their website is awesome, their one unit per SMS is real one unit; no hidden charges. In fact, everything about them is excellent.
  2.  Commitment: You must be committed to the business in order to succeed and make such amount as a profit in one month as beginner. Commitment here include you going from one place to the other in order to tell your potential customers the benefits you and your bulk SMS service can bring to their businesses. If you cannot convince them on that, I doubt if they can patronize you.
  3.   Computer Tablet or Mobile Phone: You need a computer, tablet or a mobile phone like Blackberry, Windows or Android phone that can browse the internet so you may be able to start bulk SMS business and render efficient service to your customers. If you don’t have any of the three, check the Konga Online Shop to get them at a very cheaper rate.
  4.  Access to Internet: You must have access to internet 24/7 so you don't fail your customers when they begin to patronize you. With the help of your phone and the GSM network providers, that one is settled. Kudos to our GSM network providers in Nigeria, especially the Airtel Giant.
  5.  Flyers: You need to print flyers to give them out when you go to find customers (advertisement). Your flyers should carry your bulk SMS portal address if you already have one, your phone numbers; your office address if you have one and a brief description of the benefits of bulk SMS to your customers and their businesses.
Your flyers are very essential to the success of you bulk SMS business because they are good Public Relation Officers (PRO). They go to many places and they speak for you and your business. They are not limited to the people you give them to, they may also reach others who may pick them on the street after the people you gave them to must have read and thrown them away.  
  6. Written Proposal: You ought to come up with very seductive proposals for your customers, such as: churches, schools, hotels, super markets, associations, companies, etc. Don’t forget intending couples for wedding, those who have naming ceremonies, send-forth parties and other events in which people will be invited in your area.
  7.  Creativity: You must be creative and innovative to be able to come up with new business success strategies at all time, so you may always win the hearts of your customers for patronage. For this wise, your proposals must sound innovative and strategic. They should be simple, as brief as possible and the language of communication should be simple so that every layman may understand it. If you fail to abide by this simple rule; believe me, your proposals may end up in a dustbin, because a business man is always a busy man and may not have time to read your lengthy proposals, neither does he have time to consult a dictionary for meaning of unfamiliar terms.
  8.     Record Keeping: As you go out for outreach, please don't forget to take record of the phone numbers of those who may give you audience. You will use these phone numbers to seduce them using your bulk SMS when you get back to your office. The more you reach out to them by SMS and calls, the more you seduce them to subscribe to your bulk SMS service. Please note that one of your fundamental prerequisites for success in the bulk SMS business is outreach. You just have to reach out to your customers and potential ones before they may understand the benefits of your bulk SMS service to their business and begin to patronize your service.
Also, good record keeping helps you collect and manage their customers’ contacts for them on your database. I will talk more on this under ‘Database’ in requirement number twelve (12) below.
  9.     Business Name Registration: You may also want to register your business name with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC). No matter how small you think your business is, registering it with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) standardizes your business and gives customers and potential ones the confidence to do business with you. It makes your business look formal and matured. Very important is the fact that when registering a business name it is advisable that you think of a relevant name; a name that explains your business ideas as soon as you introduce yourself and your business to your audience. Just like my business name 'Success Minds Business Solutions', I don’t need to speak in tongues before you understand what my business is all about; the name does that for me. My business name is duly registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), and I tell you sincerely; God has been faithful.
Corporate Appearance: Very important also, when you are going for outreach, please dress corporate so that you may command attention. There is a say that “your mode of dressing addresses you”. The way you appear determines the kind of attention people may give you. Also, remember that seeing is believing as they say. When you are going out, if possible, go with a pad with internet connectivity so that after you have explained to them, you can prove it by sending a sample of SMS to their phones. By so doing, you convince them more.
  10. Subscription Forms: Design a professionally looking subscription forms so that when you go out, those you may be able to convince can subscribe right from there. It is as simple as that. If they subscribe, you will use their money to buy the SMS unit which you will use to render the service to them.
  11. Cash Receipt: I go with my cash receipt that carries my business
name and other information. I make sure I issue them receipt no matter the amount of units of SMS they are subscribing for. The cash receipt is part of what gives them a sense of trust and confidence that your business is genuine. So, never neglect the day of your little beginning like others do. No matter the number of units they buy, give them receipt. Even if they say that they don’t want the receipt, persuade them to collect it; saying that, it is your company’s policy to issue a receipt(s) to any customer, big or small.
  12. Database: You need to create a database for your customers to help you keep proper record of their customers’ contacts. You need to create a folder for each of them; naming the folder with their business names as contained in your record. Saving their contacts with their business names will help you trace their contacts easily, since they will introduce themselves to you by their business names as in your record, whenever they call you. Remember to tell them as part of your company’s policies, that they should notify you at least two hours or more, ahead of the time they may want you to send their message to their customers. This is to avoid service failure so as to maintain a good relationship with them. You should also go to them from time to time to collect new numbers of their new customers so you may update their database and charge them for new subscriptions.
Now, pay attention to this simple analysis so you may believe what I am saying. Assuming you have only fifty customers that make monthly subscription of Two Thousand Naira each per month, you will make One Hundred Thousand Naira in one month. If you are buying SMS at N1.50k and you sell to them even as cheap as N3.00 per SMS, you will make Fifty Thousand Naira Profit from One Hundred Thousand Naira worth of subscription from them in one month. If you are hardworking; you can triple this figure in one month, and the good news is that after you have established your customer network, you will just sit back in your office and be waiting for when they will renew their subscriptions; a task which is your responsibility to always remind them.
It is also your responsibility to remind them of the events when they ought to send messages to their customers; such as festive periods, new month wishes, and thank you messages at the end of the month or week as the case may be. This is why I said you must be creative and innovative, so you may come up with new ideas through which they will buy more SMS units from you.
With this I want to believe you are convince that making a Fifty Thousand Naira profit from bulk SMS in one month is true.
Please don't hesitate to contact me in case you have further questions.
Note that I have many readymade proposals for bulk SMS; for different events like; Political campaigns, church activities, schools, supermarkets,  intending couples for wedding invitations, invitation to: birthday celebrations, send-forth parties, naming ceremonies, and lots more. These proposals have helped me immensely, and I will give you all of them for One Thousand Naira only.
If you don’t have a bulk SMS account and may want to have one, click here to register with the cheapest and most reliable dealer in Nigeria.
See you at the top most top.
Photo Credit: Quest Designers
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